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Carpet Cleaning for Allergies: Reducing Symptoms with Clean Floors
The Mad Steamer • Feb 21, 2024

Introduction to Allergies and Carpets

Allergies can be a nuisance at best and debilitating at worst. When it comes to indoor allergens, carpets are often the unsung villains in the story. These comfortable home staples may trap and hold onto a variety of allergens, from dust to pollen, and pet dander to dust mites. For those sensitive to these irritants, carpets can significantly impact health and well-being.

Carpet vs. Hard Surfaces: The Allergy-Friendly Truth Revealed

Research and expert analysis have illuminated a fascinating truth: carpets may actually be the superior choice for individuals with asthma and allergies. A comprehensive study by Airmid Healthgroup revealed that carpets are effective at trapping allergens, thereby reducing their presence in the air. This finding supports the Carpet and Rug Institute's stance that, when properly maintained, carpets hold onto dust and allergens until they are vacuumed away.

Even before cleaning, carpets demonstrated a lower air allergen level compared to hardwood floors. These results were consistent despite disturbances that could potentially stir up particles. The study, presented by Dr. Bruce Mitchell, a renowned allergy and immunology physician, emphasizes that well-cleaned carpets can significantly lessen the chance of allergens becoming airborne, thus maintaining better indoor air quality. Regularly cleaned carpets are not just a viable option, but a beneficial one for those affected by asthma and allergies.

When comparing carpet to timber flooring, it's important to address common misconceptions. Modern carpet manufacturing has significantly reduced VOC emissions, with most dissipating soon after installation. Moreover, the ability of carpets to trap allergens is, in fact, a benefit, as it prevents these particles from circulating in the air until they can be removed by vacuuming. On the other hand, while timber flooring is often praised for its ease of cleaning, it does not trap allergens, allowing them to become airborne and potentially exacerbate allergies.

Ultimately, the choice between carpet and timber flooring should hinge on personal preference and the commitment to a strict cleaning regimen, including the use of a high-quality HEPA filter vacuum. Whether you opt for the warmth of a carpet or the elegance of timber, regular maintenance is key to creating an allergy-friendly home.

Allergy Triggers in Carpeting

  • Carpets are a hotspot for allergens that can set off a range of symptoms in allergy sufferers.
  • The warm and often humid environment of a carpet's fibers provide an ideal breeding ground for dust mites.
  • Additionally, carpets can hold onto allergens like pollen, pet dander, and even mold spores, which can be particularly troublesome during allergy season.

In response to this, the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology provides invaluable resources on how to navigate living with carpets if you have allergies.

a woman is blowing her nose while sitting on a couch next to a cat The woman is having allergic symptoms due to pet dander

The Science of Allergens

Understanding the science behind allergens can empower you to take control of your indoor environment. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Allergens are small enough to be airborne but can also settle into carpet fibers.
  • Dust mites, microscopic pests that thrive in household dust, feed on dead skin cells and flourish in carpeting.

For additional resources on mitigating allergens in your home, consider the advice from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, which provides a wealth of knowledge on maintaining a home that's friendly to allergy and asthma sufferers.

Carpet Selection and Maintenance for Allergy Sufferers

When it comes to selecting and maintaining carpets, there are several considerations for those with allergies:

  • Select carpets made from natural fibers like wool, which are less likely to hold onto allergens.
  • Regular maintenance, including vacuuming with HEPA filters, can significantly reduce allergen presence.

Professional Carpet Cleaning Techniques

For those with allergies, professional carpet cleaning is more than a luxury; it's a health necessity. Here's why:

  • Techniques like hot water extraction reach deep into carpet fibers to remove stubborn allergens.
  • Professional cleaners often use specialized equipment that's more effective than standard consumer-grade vacuums.


In answering frequently asked questions, we address some of the most common concerns regarding allergies and carpet cleaning:

  • How often should carpets be cleaned to manage allergies?

    It’s recommended to clean carpets every 6 to 12 months, but this can vary based on individual allergy severity and the presence of pets.

  • Are there any carpet cleaning solutions that are better for allergy sufferers?

    Yes, hypoallergenic and eco-friendly cleaning solutions can reduce potential reactions.

  • Can professional carpet cleaning remove pet dander and dust mites?

    Absolutely, professional cleaners target these allergens specifically with their techniques and solutions.

Home Cleaning Strategies Beyond Carpets

While carpet cleaning plays a pivotal role in allergy management, it's not the only factor. A comprehensive approach to reducing allergens includes:

  • Cleaning upholstered furniture, as it can also harbor allergens similar to carpets.
  • Regularly washing bedding, curtains, and other fabrics to eliminate dust mites and pet dander.

Reducing Allergens with Regular Cleaning

To keep allergens at bay:

  • Vacuuming should be a part of your daily routine, especially with a HEPA vacuum, which is more effective at trapping allergens.
  • Using entryway mats and having visitors wipe their feet or remove their shoes can significantly reduce the introduction of new allergens into the home.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a more allergy-friendly environment.

there is a four post bed in the middle of the room cleaned by Flanders Cleaning Services

The Role of Professional Cleaning in Allergy Reduction

Professional cleaning services contribute significantly to allergy management:

  • They can effectively reduce mold and dust build-up, which are common allergens.
  • Techniques used by professionals prevent carpets from staying wet, which can lead to mold growth and increased allergens.

The Allergy-Friendly Nature of Professional Carpet Cleaning Services

Professional carpet cleaning is particularly beneficial for allergy sufferers because:

  • Services like hot water extraction remove allergens without leaving residue that could trigger allergies.
  • After professional cleaning, carpets are often safer for allergy sufferers than before, with no lingering soap or chemicals.

Maintaining an allergen-free home is crucial for those affected by allergies.

Professional carpet cleaning is an essential part of this maintenance. Remember:

  • Regular cleaning and the right techniques can make a significant difference in allergy management.
  • Consider incorporating professional carpet cleaning into your routine for the best results.

Stay ahead of allergies with clean floors, and don't hesitate to reach out to us for carpet cleaning services so we can make a difference in your quality of life. Contact us today!

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